Airbnb Management Software – Top Reasons To Use It For Your Listings
Owning a vacation rental can be hectic. You just have to give it all and keep moving all day to ensure that everything is running as it should be. After all, the entire responsibility for the success of this endeavor is on your shoulders and you have to juggle many roles at once so that nothing is amiss.
The situation becomes more tiring and tough if you own more than a single vacation rental property. Now you are required to keep a tab on all your properties and manage cleaning, arrival, and departure of guests. You also have to worry about keeping the info on each property updated too. It is a lot of work!
There should be an easier way to do all this. Right? What if we can tell you that by using Airbnb Management Software you can significantly change your lives for the better? Will you trust us? Well, if so, then don’t just leave the page yet and give us a fair chance to convince you.
In this article, we will discuss the reasons why you should give a chance to Airbnb Management Software and why you should trust it.
What should you use Airbnb Management Software for?
The Airbnb Management Software is your go-to tool if you own vacation rentals because it helps you in getting all the information that you need on a single platform and hence makes your life easier. It increases your efficiency and ROI without adding anything to your costs. Here are the top 7 reasons why you should give the software a chance:
- It aids in saving you time
- Assists in managing multiple accounts
- Helps in establishing communication
- It can mean more guest reviews
- Aids with real-time synchronization of calendars
- Helps you in scoring higher Airbnb rating
- The software increases your efficiency 0l>
It aids in saving you time
Time is the most important asset on your hands. Think of time as an opportunity to do more, so the more time you have the more opportunities may come your way. Hence, it is important to utilize your time in the best way possible. Airbnb Management software is your best option to achieve efficient time management.
Airbnb Vacation Rental Software by Hosty significantly reduces your burden and helps in running things smoothly. You don’t need to spend a lot of time and energy assigning tasks to your staff. You also needn’t check these tasks again to make sure that every task is accounted for. The Airbnb Management Software does it all for you. With the automation tool the software will assign tasks to your staff automatically. This means that you can invest your time and energy in the improvement and enhancement of your business.
Airbnb Software automates your routine tasks and frees up a significant amount of your time. This helps you to redirect your energy to issues that require a personal touch and decision making. This also avails you of a better understanding of your listings.
Assists in managing multiple accounts
Usually, an Airbnb Entrepreneur manages more than one property. This obviously means loads of work and divided attention. In some instances, it can lead to confusion and errors. Any mix-up or failure on your part can create a lot of inconveniences and problems for your clients. Fortunately, Airbnb management software is an easy rescue.
An Airbnb Management Software helps you manage multiple accounts from a single user interface. The multiple accounts feature of the software will take care of many things for you. Such software can send automated replies to your customers. It also makes it simple for you to manage mundane tasks like cleaning, booking, etc. The multiple accounts feature also relieves you from the constant struggle of logging in and out of your accounts. This seems an insignificant issue at first, but juggling between many accounts can be really confusing when you are handling a significant customer influx.
Helps in establishing communication
Good customer service is very important for a successful hosting enterprise. The host should be able to entertain the guests at all times to resolve their queries. This helps in fostering a better relationship with your customers.
But ensuring on-demand customer assistance can be a tough job, especially if you are required to report 24/7. Now one way to easily manage this is by hiring additional staff, but then the increase in your ROI will also mean an increase in your costs. However, if you will rely upon the Airbnb Management Software to manage customer support then you will register an increase in ROI without recording any additional overhead costs.
With the help of Airbnb software automation, you can fill in the gaps. You can adjust the software to automatically respond to almost 70% of your communication that does not require human intervention. This will help you greatly in setting up a flawless communication system with your guests. This will ensure a higher number of bookings and more profits for you.
Lastly, Airbnb Management Software can also be set to send messages at predefined times. You can send house rules or check-in rules to your guests automatically. You can also share important information at a particular hour of the day. This alone will save you hours of labor each month. Just imagine!
It can mean more guest reviews
Guest reviews and feedback is important for your vacation rental business. While the 5-star reviews motivate you and translate to better sales, the negative reviews work as guideline and help you in locating the areas on which you should work more diligently to satisfy customers. An overall positive review score helps you in creating a good image of your property.
Most of the Airbnb guests are shy of leaving reviews on their own. In fact, only 20% of the guests leave reviews without being prompted while the other 80% are reluctant to do so. Hence, it falls upon the host to encourage the guests to solicit reviews. Asking for review gives you another chance to connect with your guests and find out about their experience.
If you use the Airbnb Management Software then this problem can be easily resolved. This is because if you enable automated reviews option in your software then a review prompt will appear on the customer’s screen automatically. Because of this, the customers will feel more motivated to leave a review for your rental. An increased number of reviews, in turn, will help you earn an Airbnb Superhost status.
Aids with real-time synchronization of calendars
In order to increase their reach and popularity most of the vacation rentals list their properties on more than one rental platform. This way more customers come across your property which increases your bookings. But we all can agree that manually managing your bookings on more than one platform is a tough job. Have you ever been in a situation where because of listing on two different platforms you scored double bookings?
If you have, then you would know that it is a troubling and embarrassing situation for the host. This is why real-time synchronization of your calendar is important and Airbnb Management Software can assist you with that. Using the Airbnb Management software you can sync your availability across different platforms so that your guests will have real-time information about available booking dates.
Helps you in scoring higher Airbnb rating
Airbnb helps customers in finding a suitable vacation rental for themselves. This is done with the help of a search ranking algorithm which tells customers which establishment will be best for them. Now, these rankings are not completely arbitrary. They are provided on the basis of some factors like listing details, pricing, number of reviews, etc. and so, if you score well on these factors then you can get better rankings.
Airbnb Management Software makes it really simple for you. The assistance of the software will put you on a better footing than your competitors. It will help you in scoring a better position and more guests. This will result in more reviews and in a better ranking position. This way the Airbnb Management software assists you in improving your rank.
The software increases your efficiency
Success is usually measured in terms of how much profit you make. And your profits can only be increased if you employ minimum costs and get the maximum Return on Investment possible. But what is the way to achieve that? Well, one simple way of doing this is by utilizing your manpower in the best manner possible. You basically have to get the most out of your team. You will have to make sure that your employees are engaged in work that really counts and not in performing the tedious, low-value repetitive tasks that can be performed by machines.
In case you are wondering who will perform these low-value tasks, then your answer is Airbnb Management Software. The software is highly efficient and can easily perform low-key high volume tasks. Employing the software to carry out these simple tasks will ensure that you won’t need to hire additional staff. This will also reduce your headcount, which will cut your costs and increase your profits.
Vacation Rental Software by Hosty offers a channel management tool and a booking management system. You can easily integrate your booking calendar based on the real-time status on other platforms your property is registered with. Using the software will help you in easily coordinating and managing tasks. Hosty central inbox will help you to keep tab on all queries in one place. This will mean more time for you to invest in other important things. You can really simplify your work and run things smoothly with the help of Hosty’s Vacation Rental Property Management Software.
Read more about smart home and automation technologies for your business here.