Best locations for Airbnb Australia

The best locations for Airbnb in Australia

Australia is on the sixth place of the world’s largest Airbnb markets, generating over $4.4 billion worth of economic impact. There is no surprise many aspiring entrepreneurs are eager to enter the short-term rentals business in the Land Down Under. However, just selecting a country is not enough to ensure your enterprise’s future success, as the specific region you choose also matters a lot.

In the article, we will briefly overview 20 different regions of Australia, covering the essential details for each. You will discover the Average Daily Rates, Occupancy Rates, total number of active rentals, and other important metrics, allowing you to make an informed choice of the region you wish to start your future business in.

Discover the list of the most profitable Airbnb cities in Canada.

The most profitable Airbnb locations in Australia


Mid-Western Regional$3,575
Augusta Margaret River$3,448
Oberon Council$3,111
Snowy River$3,029
Northern Grampians$3,039
Kangaroo Island$3,000
Colac Otway$2,916
Albany City Council$2,857
Scenic Rim$2,845
Shoalhaven City Council$2,840
Blue mountains$2,828


Busselton is located at the bottom of the continent in Western Australia. In this area, there are around 1,450 active listings available on Airbnb and other rental platforms. The Average Daily Rate in Busselton may jump from $240 to $320, but the annual average is $274.

Like with most other parts of Australia, the demand for rentals is seasonal in Busselton. In January, the Occupancy Rate may reach almost 90%, while in June it rarely exceeds 50%. The annual average for the Occupancy Rate is 65% in this area, and the listings averagely generate $3,914 worth of monthly revenue, which is the best result on our today’s list.


Airbnb Broome

Broome is another coastal town in Western Australia, but in contrast to Busselton, it is located in the upper part of the continent. Here, you will only find around 195 active listings on Airbnb and VRBO combined, which is the best advantage of Broome for aspiring entrepreneurs: low levels of competition.

At the same time, the metrics of Broome remain competitive to other regions of Australia. The annual Average Daily Rate is $266 here, while the Occupancy Rate is 77%. Each property averagely generates a revenue of $3,878 every month.

Mid-Western Regional Council

Mid-Western Regional Council is located in New South Wales, which is not so far from Sydney. It is a beautiful region, and many tourists who wish to have a quiet vacation with several trips to the famous city choose this specific area.

In total, there are a bit more than 550 active listings here, most of which are located in Mudgee. The annual Average Daily Rate in Mid-Western Regional Council is $258, which is lower than with the previous regions we have reviewed. Its Occupancy Rate is only 57% on average, and the average revenue is $3,575 per month.


Just like the previous region, the city of Kiama is located rather close to Sydney. However, it is a coastal city, which means the tourists here have access to the Pacific Ocean. What is even better, the gorgeous Budderoo National Park is rather close, which attracts even more tourists.

If a person would decide to stay in this city, they would find around 650 active listings, the vast majority of which are entire homes near the coastline. The Average Daily Rate here is around $332, while the Occupancy Rate is extremely seasonal: in August, it drops to 16%, while in January, it may reach 88%. The average Occupancy Rate is only 53% per year, but it does not stop local entrepreneurs from generating an average of $3,522 per listing per month.

Augusta Margaret River

Augusta Margaret River is very close to Busselton, meaning it shares the same benefits of being on the coast and being right beside the Blackwood State Forest and the Blackwood River National Park. Moreover, most of the listed properties are located near the smaller Wooditjup National Park.

In total, there are 861 active listings of short-term rental properties here, 90% of them being entire homes. The Average Daily Rate here is $205 throughout the year, while the Occupancy Rate averages at 71%. As for the revenue, the listings in this area averagely generate $3,448 per month.


Hawkesbury is located between Newcastle and Sydney, around 60 kilometers away from the coast. The location allows the visitors to have a quiet vacation and enjoy the beauty of the local nature. However, it is still possible to reach the most famous sights of Sydney and Newcastle from here.

The best point about Hawkesbury is that the region is quite large and it has only 108 active rentals in it. Most probably, it is because of the metrics, which are lower than in some other regions. For example, the Average Daily Rate here is $279, while the Occupancy Rate is only 45%. The average revenue is also slightly lower, reaching $3,366 per property.


Airbnb Byron

Byron is a region located about 140 kilometers south from Brisbane. Here, the most famous tourist attractions are the Nightcap National Park and the Byron-Bay itself. In this region,the competition is tougher than in the previous ones, as there are more than 2,200 active listings here.

The annual Average Daily Rate in Byron is $327, while the Occupancy Rate is only 57%. The average revenue is $3,319 per month here. Thus, even though it is more popular than some other areas, it is less beneficial.


Dungog is located right near Newcastle and allows the visitors to quickly reach some of the popular sights like the Mount Royal National park. There are only 136 active listings here, which is explained by the region’s low metrics. The Average Daily Rate is only $240 in Dungog. Combined with the Occupancy Rate of 57% throughout the year, it results in an average monthly revenue of only $3,300 here.

Oberon Council

Airbnb Oberon Council

Oberon Council is another region in New South Wales, which is located around 130 kilometers west from Sydney. It is a quiet region with some lovely landscapes, but it is hard to say the short-term rental business is thriving here.

It occupies a large area, but there are still only 85 active listings on Airbnb and VRBO. The Average Daily Rate is $229, and the Occupancy Rate is 52%. There is not so much competition, but the revenue is corresponding: it is only $3,111 per month, on average.

Snowy River

In contrast to the previous region, Snowy River has quite intense levels of competition in the short-term rentals market. Local hosts offer around 1,200 active listings here, which results in an average Occupancy Rate of only 43% throughout the year. The Average Daily Rate here is $327, but even with such a high rate, the average revenue is only $3,029. These are still quite decent metrics, but Australia has better places to offer. 

Northern Grampians

Located between Melbourne and the Little Desert National Park, Northern Grampians are quite an affordable place for tourists, as the Average Daily Rate here is only $168. Of course, it also affects the revenues of local entrepreneurs: it is around $3,000 per month. But the Occupation Rates reach 71% and there are only around 235 active listings, which means there is less competition and the business is more stable than in many other regions.

Read about Airbnb Regulations in Melbourne.

Kangaroo Island

Airbnb Kangaroo Island

Kangaroo Island is a truly unique place. It is close to the mainland, but the tourist experience is very different here. Tourists adore this island for its beautiful landscapes and enjoy lots of activities like fishing, hiking, camping, and others.

There are 383 active rentals on Kangaroo Island, and the it offers local hosts a similar revenue to the previous regions: it is around $3,000 per month, on average. The Average Daily Rate is also around $163 here, while the Occupancy Rate is quite high, as it averages at 79% throughout the year.


Orange is a small area in New South Wales, located even further away from Sydney than the previous regions we have reviewed: it is around 200 kilometers away from the coastline. It is a rather remote place, but there are still around 330 active listings on Airbnb and VRBO, which, combined with the size of the area, implies quite an intense competition.

The Average Daily Rate here is around $188, while the Occupancy Rate is only 67%. This results in an average revenue of $2,970 per listing per month. The average number of guests is almost six here, which clearly indicates the popularity of the region among families and groups of tourists.


Airbnb Douglas

Douglas is another region on the coast of Australia. Here, you will find more than 1,000 different listings on Airbnb and VRBO, but the region itself is rather large, so the competition is not as severe. Most of the listings are quite densely packed in Port Douglas and Craiglie, while the other towns are less popular among hosts. The Average Daily Rate in Douglas is $250, placing it in the middle of our today’s list. The Occupancy Rate is 60% here, and the revenue averages at $2,945 per month.


Esperance is also quite a small region in Western Australia. There are only 131 active rentals here, and the area is not so popular among tourists, as there are no major attractions nearby. Here, the Average Daily Rate is also quite low, averaging at $174 throughout the year. However, the seasonality does not hit Esperance as hard as some other regions, allowing the hosts here to have an average Occupancy Rate of 80% as well as an average revenue of $2,934 per month. 

Colac Otway

Being relatively close to Melbourne allows Colac Otway to attract enough tourists and to have higher price levels than in some other regions. Right now, there are around 970 active listings here, most of which are entire homes near the coastline. The Average Daily Rate of $231, combined with the Occupancy Rate of 56%, results in a revenue of $2,916, generated by each property per month.

Albany City Council

Even though Albany City Council occupies quite a large area, most of the Airbnb listings are located right in the city of Albany, with only a couple of rentals available on other territories. As a host, you will have to compete with only 375 other listings here, which is also a benefit. The price levels here are great for tourists, as the Average Daily Rate is only $161 here. The occupancy rate, in contrast, is quite high, reaching 75%. The revenue you could expect as a host is $2,857. It is lower than in the previous regions, but still attractive for aspiring entrepreneurs. 

Scenic Rim

Airbnb Scenic Rim

Even despite the fact Scenic Rim is located in a different part of the continent, its metrics are quite similar to Albany City Council. Scenic Rim is very close to Gold Coast and offers its visitors an access to multiple national parks.

There are only 310 active listings in Scenic Rim, most of which are concentrated in Tamborine-Mountain. The Average Daily Rate in Scenic Rim is $179, while the Occupancy Rate is extremely seasonal: it jumps from 55% to 81%, averaging at 68% throughout the year. The revenue for hosts is $2,845 per month here.

Shoalhaven City Council

Shoalhaven City Council also occupies a large area. The main benefit of this region is its long coastline, which allows it to offer many comfortable beaches and stunningly beautiful bays to the tourists. It is less affordable for visitors than some other regions, as the Average Daily Rate here is $275, but many people are willing to opt-in, as the place offers tons of experiences and activities.

As the place is popular among tourists, you won’t be surprised to discover there are 4,300 active Airbnbs here. Thanks to such intense competition, the Occupancy Rate is only 50% in Shoalhaven City Council. The revenue is extremely seasonal here, as in August you shouldn’t expect more than $1,050 per month, while in January, it may reach $5,650. On average, it is $2,840 throughout the year. 

Blue Mountains

Aibnb Blue Mountains

How to buy Airbnb property read here.

Even though there are only around 1,200 active rentals in Blue Mountains, which is less than in Shoalhaven City Council, the properties are packed a lot more densely. Most of the rentals are located in Blackheath, Katoomba and Leura. The Average Daily Rate in this competitive region is $218, while the Occupancy Rate is 60%. The average revenue here is $2,828 per month. Despite it will averagely bring you less revenue than other regions on our list, it is still a decent place to start your Airbnb business.

List of the best cities for Airbnb investment in Europe read here.

Check out The Best Cities for Airbnb in New Zealand.