Airbnb background check
The best way to ensure that you are being a responsible property manager is to make certain that your guests will behave properly when they’re staying at your property. You never want to rent your home to someone you’re not sure about and end up coming back to destroyed home. Don’t believe us? Check out some Airbnb horror stories. You’ve heard before that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure and when it comes to Airbnb rentals we couldn’t agree more. When renting, consider Airbnb background check to ensure that you always know who’s staying with you. With the following considerations about Airbnb background check you’ll be able to make the best decisions for your Airbnb business.
Ask questions:
The best way to do a thorough Airbnb background check is by asking the right questions to get to know your potential guest better. Ask them about the purpose of their stay, if they have ever stayed in a vacation rental home before, or if they would like recommendations on actives in the area. Your ideal guest should be polite, answer the questions you ask and not be vague or rude. Anything out of the ordinary should be a red flag. Luckily, Hosty makes this easy for you with our Saved Message feature. Simply type up your questions, save them and send them to each prospective guest as you need them.
But make sure you’re not breaking the law:
As an Airbnb property manager, you have the right to know who’s staying in your clients’ homes, but you don’t have the right to discriminate against anyone. When learning about a potential guest, it’s best practice not to ask them about the following:
Sexual preference
Family status
Laws vary from state to state and country to country so check with a local law professional to make sure you’re always staying in compliance and promoting inclusion.
Pro tip: Once you’ve taken care of proper Airbnb background check, try Hosty! We’re the professional vacation rental software that keeps you on track and organized. Ready to try us out? Click here to learn more!
Guest Verification:
An easy way to do Airbnb background check is to rent to guests with verified accounts. Guests with verified accounts have to provide additional information to Airbnb that helps identify them. This process is a great first line of defense to make sure that you’re renting to the perfect guests.
Quid Pro Quo:
If you want your guests to be verified – make sure you’re verified yourself. Becoming a verified Airbnb host is easy. All you have to do is provide a link to your personal Facebook or LinkedIn, your phone number, or a photo of your passport. This step helps your guests feel safe about renting from you because they’ll know you’re who you say you are. And don’t worry about your personal information being out there for everyone to see; these verification methods will be kept confidential, so potential guests don’t see them.
Now that you know how to get the right guests, learn how to promote your listings so that your guests keep coming back for more. Learn how to promote your Airbnb listings here.