Be the best around! Tips on how to be the best Airbnb host.
Anyone can be an Airbnb host. Simply sign your property up as a vacation rental, and that’s about it. However, it takes some work to be the best Airbnb host. If you live in a populated area, there are tons of other hosts like you looking to get the same guests to stay with them. In order to make good money, you need to stand out (like in any other business). Being one of the best around definitely has its advantages. Being a great host leads to some great host reviews, which makes your property more visible and encourages more guests to book with you. With a sone hard work and diligence, being the best Airbnb host is within reach.
Learn what you can do to become the best Airbnb host
Be more than just a host:
Sure, you only need to be a host, but the best hosts are more than that. Being the best Airbnb host means that you’re also a concierge, a handyman, an interior designer, and a well traveled local. Wearing a lot of hats will keep your guests happy. Always keep your property beautifully decorated, current, and in tip top shape, making sure you fix any wear and tear you see as it happens. Also, make sure your guests have extra towels, some great coffee, a few nice toiletries, and recommendations of your favorite restaurants. Your goal should be to get your guest to exclaim “they’ve thought of everything!”.
Clean often:
Another way to be the best Airbnb host is to make sure your property is spotless each time someone comes to stay in it. This sounds simple, but that’s not always the case. Consider these suggestions to make cleaning a breeze:
Always stock extra trash bags, paper towels, disinfecting wipes, and dish soap for your guests. Having back up supplies will make it easier for them to clean up after themselves along the way.
Create a cleaning checklist. Whether it’s you or a cleaning person that cleans your property between check-ins, having a checklist to follow will be incredibly useful and will help you make sure you don’t forget anything.
Take time to consider the right furniture.If you need to buy furniture for your rental, consider pieces that are sturdy and can be cleaned easily. Making good choices when buying furniture will keep your entire place looking fabulous for the long term.
Communication is key:
In the get-it-now society that we live in, everyone wants their questions answered quickly. Being the best Airbnb host means that you always respond to guest as quickly as possible. Guests love an Airbnb host that communicates efficiently, and there’s no better way to do that than with Hosty’s Central Inbox feature – get all your messages from all of your inboxes in one place, so you never miss messages or forget to reply.
Pro tip: Another way to be one of the best Airbnb hosts in your market? Use Hosty! We’re the professional Airbnb property management software that works hard to keep you organized so you can be the best Airbnb host out there.