Work smarter not harder. Automated Airbnb options for your business.
In our previous post, we talked about how using an Airbnb cleaning company can actually save you money in the long run. Essentially, freeing up some of your time to run your business better can make you more efficient. It can give you time to increase your revenue and reduce your costs all while providing you with more time to make strategic decisions. This isn’t the only way to take your business to the next level. Another way to be the best business person you can be? Automate Airbnb tasks. Using Automated Airbnb tasks can make running an Airbnb business as close to effortless as it can be. These functions take some of the work out of replying to guests messages. They also make things like the check-in process and writing guest reviews simpler. As a small business owner, you should strive to work as efficiently as possible while keeping your guests satisfied.
Automated Airbnb Ideas
Using an AutoReply feature is an excellent way to keep your response rate up, even when you’re asleep. Airbnb likes when hosts respond quickly to guest messages and will favor listings from hosts that reply fast. The best way to do this? Set up automated responses when a guest messages you. For example, you can write something along the lines of:“Hello and thanks for your message! I’ll get back to you shortly. In the meantime, here are a few frequently asked Q&As about our home.” A warm welcoming message with some extra information will put your potential guest at ease while providing you some more time to respond.
Saved Messages
Speaking of frequently asked questions, another fantastic way to save time is to archive messages that you send often. Check in or check out instructions, directions, or answers to commonly asked questions can be saved for when they’re needed again. You can also couple this feature with an AutoMessage feature to plan and send customized messages to your guests at appropriate times. Think about how useful it would be for a guest to receive check-in instructions via email 1 hour before check-in time, so they don’t have to dig through emails or print anything out.
Having good and consistent Airbnb reviews is so important to your bottom line. 5 star reviews mean more page views and hopefully more rentals. It’s always a good practice to positively review your guests shortly after they leave. This will encourage your guests to leave a positive review for you. Unfortunately, this is a time-consuming process. Thankfully, you can employ an Autoreply feature. This time-saving Airbnb automation will automatically rate guests using your pre-written responses. The best part of the AutoReview feature is that it’s pretty intuitive. If you do choose to write a custom review for a guest, the AutoReview feature will deactivate so you don’t have to worry about accidently writing more than one review.
Interested in some of these features and wondering where to get them? Look no further than Hosty – your professional Airbnb property management software.
Hosty is the best way to implement all of these Automated Airbnb tasks simply and efficiently. We provide you with only the best Airbnb management software and all of the time-saving features above. If you’re an Airbnb multiple accounts manager you have enough to do. Let us take care of the little things so you can work on being the best business person you can be.
At Hosty, we think that hosting should be a seamless task so we’re working hard to provide you with even more Automated Airbnb features! Stay tuned and Happy Hosting!