Whether you have an entire property available, or just wish to rent out some private or shared rooms, then you can tap into the huge Airbnb market.
- 12 485 – listings in total
- 5 912 (47.4%) – percentage of the total which are entire properties
- HK$892 – average price per night
- 5 605 (44.9%) – private rooms
- 670 (5.4%) – shared rooms
- 298 (2.4%) – shared rooms

5 912 (47.4%) – entire properties
5 605 (44.9%) – private rooms
670 (5.4%) – shared rooms
298 (2.4%) – hotel rooms

In order for the guest activity to be recorded and monitored, a review must be submitted to a host’s property or room after the stay has been completed. In terms of the statistics that have been produced – they have been calculated by using the minimum stay, the average price per night and the total number of reviews.
- 83 – estimated nights/year
- 1.2 – average reviews of listings per month
- 208 829 – reviews in total
- HK$892 – average price per night
- 22.8% – estimated occupancy
- HK$4 869 – estimated average income generated per month
When you assess the Airbnb market in Hong Kong, you’ll notice that there are some hosts who have multiple listings and some that have single listings, just like everywhere else in the world. It is possible for a host to list multiple properties that they have available or different rooms which are available on the same property.
- 7 136 (57.2%) – number of multi-listings
- 5 349 (42.8%) – number of single listings

Listings belonging to the one host
Airbnb listings where host has more than one listing

7 136 (57.8%) – high availability
5 349 (42.8%) – low availability
Airbnb hosts have full freedom when it comes to selecting how available their property or rooms are. For instance, by utilizing the calendar tool, a host can set their property to be available for just one week in a year. Alternatively, another example is a host setting their rooms to be available for 11-months out of the 12.
- 7 136 (57.2%) – high availability
- 5 349 (42.8%) – low availability
- 144.6 – average days per year
If you’re going on a tour around Asia, one of your stops will most likely be Hong Kong. If you’re an Airbnb host that means plenty of potential bookings, so Airbnb continue to expand operations in the Hong Kong market segment. However, in order to curb the overwhelming influx of short-term rentals into the Hong Kong rental market, lawmakers established a set of rules which regulate the area and prevent people from listing places illegally.
Is Airbnb legal in Hong Kong?
Yes, Vacation Rental Business is legal in Hong Kong but any property that is rented out for less than 28 days must possess a license to do so, as stated in the Hong Kong Hotel and Guesthouse Accommodation Ordinance.
What else Airbnb owners must do before they get started?
Before starting their business activity, Airbnb owners should review local laws about business registration and rules of taxation or seek legal advice.